animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the weekend

The past two weekends the guy I’ve been dating has come over for dinner on Sunday. I guess we’ve moved into the “not going out” phase of dating (haha), which is fine with me because all the running around was getting expensive. I’m sure we’ll go out again soon, but there’s not a lot to do on Sundays if we’re hanging out in Johnstown, so here we are.

In other weekend news, I planted garlic on Friday and bagged most of the leaves from the back yard and added them to the garden and compost bin. There are still leaves all over the porch, but I wasn’t able to get to them due to the rain. Also, the leaves in the front aren’t done falling yet so those will need to be addressed. Hopefully, I’ll catch a break with the weather. It sure was beautiful last week, but I suppose we won’t see those temps again for a while.

I also completed The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix. It was excellent. I love how they made it a modern story and used elements of various Poe stories in the the episodes. My rating 4/5.