animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times

The weekend started on a good note. My parents took everyone out to dinner. We went to the Backroom Saloon, where I had some delicious Korean Pork Tacos and a tasty drink. Saturday wasn’t bad, either. I ran some errands in the morning and did some housework and laundry. Saturday …

the weekend

The past two weekends the guy I’ve been dating has come over for dinner on Sunday. I guess we’ve moved into the “not going out” phase of dating (haha), which is fine with me because all the running around was getting expensive. I’m sure we’ll go out again soon, but …


I put the labor in Labor Day weekend. I spent some time canning–my first of the season. I put up some red beets and salsa. I also made some yummy things for supper (including pizza in the pizza oven) and an apple galette. I did some things around the house, …

the weekend

I had an extra long weekend, as I took off Thursday and Friday. Thursday, I went to the Flight 93 National Memorial. Friday, I made a Home Depot run in the morning and then baked and frosted a birthday cake in the afternoon. Saturday, my family went to Rizzo’s to …