Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

The Dark Tower VII

“The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.” So began the greatest literary series in history. I finished The Dark Tower VII this afternoon and was not disappointed. It seems that I’ve been reading the series for about as long as Roland has been searching for the tower. What an incredible journey. Reading the last book in the series only makes me want to start over again!

Thankee-sai Stephen King. I can only hope your retirement is a temporary distraction.

my favorite pastime

Vacation is officially over. This afternoon, I finished painting the library. Can I hear an amen?

While I was painting, I also had a mean marinara sauce simmering on the stove. Yum. While it was cooking, Jake remarked how delicious it smelled. Then, when it was time to eat supper, he said, “You were cooking sauce?!? I thought you were making food!” Needless to say, he ate his pasta plain.


That’s the name of the new Rottenstone song, of which I recorded the guitar this evening while drinking a Margarita (it is Friday night, you know). It’s a song about voter apathy (pretty appropriate for this time of the year). The recording during the first half of the Margarita sounded much better than the second half (I start sounding like Jimmy Buffet after a Margarita. For those of you who think this is a good thing, sadly, it is not), so we ended up fixing my mistakes rather than trying to re-record the song. I’m anxious to hear what it sounds like to a sober ear tomorrow.

Somehow the recording session took a “Right Turn” into a Stone Rotten session where we jammed on songs like “Doll Parts” for about “Twenty Minutes”. It was rather fun. We really need to start the Stone Rotten thing up again. For those of you who don’t know, Stone Rotten is our (me & Brian’s) acoustic cover “band”. We normally play to an audience of none, in case you were hoping to catch one of our performances.

shark tale

This afternoon, Jake shut the TV off long enough for us to go to the movies and see Shark Tale. I was hoping to catch a movie at the Westwood Plaza Theatre, but nothing good was playing so we went to Richland instead. That’s the first time I’d been to the new theater–it’s very nice.

Anyway, the movie was ok. We all enjoyed it, but I don’t think we have to worry about it winning any Oscars or anything. We were the only people in the theater so that was cool. I guess most people are at work on Thursday afternoons…

The Flick Filosopher hated the movie, however:

TV’s back on, of course.

powerball fantasies

Yeah, I know someone won the Powerball last weekend. I also know it wasn’t me. But, I was just thinking how nice it would be to never have to go to work again. Brian and I are both off all week, so it’s easy to think about such things when you’re hanging around the house with nothing better to do.

But, we do have a plan…while we were on our vacation, we played this little game where we’d guess what elevator was going to open (the hotel had six elevators, but only one button controlled them, so you never knew which one was going to open). Guess who won almost every round? Jake, the elevator savant. So, next week, we’re going to introduce him to a new game. It’s called “pick the winning lottery numbers”.

Till then, I’m yearning for the day when weekends don’t matter anymore.