Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

mas tequila

It’s Margarita night in Johnstown…

Brian and I had a good evening. We wrote our 5th rottenstone song tonight. Now, all we need to do is record it and we’ll release our EP. Jake’s staying at my parent’s until tomorrow evening, so that gave us an opportunity to go to the “music room” and jam for a bit.

Tomorrow, I will be without both of my “boys”. Brian is going to a Penn State game with my dad and Jake won’t be coming home until he does. I won’t know what to do with myself. Actually, I will. I’m sure I will get a lot done around the house (including an afternoon nap) without being interrupted with Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! or “Honey, I can’t find the french fries.” It will be nice to have some time to myself even if I am busy working all day. Being alone has never bothered me. I think this is due more to my misanthropy issue than anything else. Lately, being alone hasn’t been an issue, though. I’m never alone. But, that’s ok, too.

I’ve been ignoring my Margarita for too long, so I better get back to it…

this little piggy went to the market…

…and this little piggy went to my freezer!

Froehlich’s called today. The half of a hog I ordered is in and will be ready to pick up tomorrow. Nothing makes me happier than a freezer full of meat (well, a bar full of booze, maybe). This is the second half I’ve gotten this year. But, unlike the first one, my mom and I are splitting this one. It’s not that you get too much regular meat, but you get too much bacon and sausage for three people to eat in a timely manner, so hence the split. Ooh–I almost forgot to mention that this is a hog from the Cambria County Fair. Hopefully, one of the award-winners.

lazy town

Is it just me or has anyone else experienced the absurdity that is Lazy Town? What is this Lazy Town, you might ask? Besides keeping one former gymnast off of the unemployment lines, it is this totally weird show about this “evil” guy who is always trying to get the people in Lazy Town to not exercise. The inspiration behind the idea is to make children more physically active (by watching TV? hmm).

Needless to say, Jacob loves the show. He’s watching it now…on the couch.


I don’t really have anything to say, but I haven’t posted since Saturday so I feel obligated…

Let’s see. Yesterday, we briefly attended a picnic after church. We were there just long enough to eat and for Jacob to break a few balloons. They had clowns there doing face-painting and making cool things out of balloons (like dogs, flowers, etc.) Jacob wanted a flower. It took the clown a few minutes to make it and then the countdown was on. 10…9…8…7…***pop*** I was just about to say “Make sure you don’t drop the balloon in the grass or it’ll pop.” Too late.

Afterwards, we came home and Brian watched the Steeler game while I fooled around with my new hobby of making cards. Later that afternoon, we attended Brian’s work picnic in Bellwood. Nothing like a waste of a completely good Sunday.

I guess it could’ve been worse. After we got home from the work picnic, I got to fool around with my card hobby again, whereas Brian had to go to a church council meeting for two hours.

And sadly, last night was the season finale of both Six Feet Under and Entourage. It’s not TV…It’s HBO. At least Malcom in the Middle and Arrested Development will be starting up again soon. And, there’s always football to watch on Sunday nights.


If you’ve spoken to me since Memorial Day, you’ve probably heard me talk about the shed we were building this summer. Well, I’m glad to say that it’s finally done. Here’s the final picture:

Over Labor Day, we got a bunch of things moved from the woodshop to the shed, so Brian’s a happy camper because it gives him a little more room in his cramped shop. It is also the future home of the motorcycle! motorcycle! motorcycle! How else would I have motivated him to build the thing?