Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the ruination of a perfectly good weekend

The weekend started off well enough…On Friday, we went out for dinner with Steve and then for a few drinks afterward. When we got home, Brian laid down the vocal pattern for the Rottenstone song we started a few months ago and haven’t worked on since. So, we might actually be able to finish this song sometime in the near future.

Saturday was a pretty good day–no practice because of the weather and we caught a movie that we’ve been wanting to see for a while. And, as a bonus, Brian and his dad ran cable to my tv in the kitchen, so now I get channels other than 6 and 8.

I talked Brian into skipping church today because I didn’t want to go out in this crappy weather. Consequently, we all ended up sleeping in until 10am. Boy, did I need that. Brian didn’t have practice today either, so he got to work in the shop all day and made good progress on the cherry end table he’s building for our living room. I managed to wrap up the yearly update of my cookbook and plot out my garden planting schedule for the spring.

All in all, a good weekend. That is, until the Steelers got the crap beat out of them by the Patriots. I think all the blame has to go on Roethlisberger. He played another horrible game today. Everyone says it’s because he is a rookie, but I can’t figure out how he was so good early in the season and so bad late in the season. Maybe it was just the pressure of the playoffs. Who knows? I still think the Steelers have finally found “their” quarterback, it’s just a shame they couldn’t make it to the Superbowl this year. Especially since Bettis is talking retirement. That’s one guy who deserves to have a ring. Maybe this will give him the motivation to come back for one more year. The way he played this year certainly shows that he has some more games left in him. I guess this means I’ll have to root for the Eagles in the Superbowl. Normally, I don’t like them, but that’s mostly because of Terrell Owens. Since he’s out, it would be kind of cool for them to win the game with out him. I’m kind of spiteful that way. But, if I were betting on the game, I’d go with New England.

the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring

Only one word can describe this film: epic. Not my usual taste in movies, though I did enjoy it. We’ve had this movie on DVD ever since it came out, but never had three hours in a row to sit down and watch it (long gone are those days)–until tonight. East of Eve practice was cancelled due to the weather so I thought this would give us a good opportunity to start on the trilogy.

There was one part of the movie that cracked me up. One of the Hobbits was inquiring about eating. Here’s the quote: “What about second breakfast? What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn’t he?” It totally reminded me of Jake–the kid eats constantly. I’m not exaggerating–I have witnesses. I think he might be a Hobbit. He certainly follows their meal schedule and he’s just about the right height. He doesn’t have hairy feet, though. Maybe that won’t occur until he’s older.

The Flick Filosopher gave it a big thumbs up.


This evening, Brian and I went out for sushi with our friend Steve. In the past, sushi was never anything I was interested in trying, but I’ve been reading about it lately and a few of our friends seem to really like it so I’ve been wanting to try it.

I had planned on going to a Japanese restaurant when we went to Pittsburgh last fall, but the menu looked too intimidating, so I decided it might be better to go with someone who has a little knowledge about the subject. Enter: Steve.

So we went out this evening to the Sakura Restaurant in Altoona. Brian and I planned on eating only cooked stuff because who really wants to come down with a case of liver flukes? But we did end up trying one of Steve’s tuna rolls, which contained uncooked tuna. Much to my surprise, it was quite delicious. Steve has apparently worked his way up on the sushi ladder–he ate more raw fish for supper than I’ve eaten cooked fish in the last month. I think it would take me quite a while to be able to stomach something like that.

Jake is staying at my parent’s this evening. One one hand, he always looks forward to going there, but when he’s a few days away from staying, he always decides that he might miss us too much so it might just be better to stay home. I told him if he stayed home that he would have to go to a restaurant with us and eat raw fish. His response was that while he wasn’t interested in eating any raw fish, he sure wouldn’t mind watching us do it. Apparently he’s seen too many episodes of Fear Factor. I’m sure this evening’s meal wouldn’t have lived up to his expectations.

exercise your right

And critique last year’s Ozzfest. This will help to determine how Ozzfest 2005 goes.

oh my god

I was glad to read that this baby was born by c-section. I just hope the mom didn’t buy too many newborn clothes for him.