animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I don’t know where the summer has gone. It’s going to be August in a few days and I feel like I’ve been missing out. I guess the month of rain has a lot to do with that–you can’t garden in the rain. But, it seems like there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I’d like to accomplish.

I guess not having a motorcycle all summer isn’t helping anything, seeing that riding is one of our regular activities. Brian finally got his bike fixed last week, and I’m hoping to get mine back soon, too. So, maybe things will feel like they’re back to normal once that happens.

I’ve been slacking on the canning, too. So far I’ve only done strawberry jam and sweet pickle relish. I have frozen a few veggies, though, so at least I’m not completely slacking off on the food preservation front.