animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

pea farmer

I spent the evening pulling weeds from the garden and removing spent peas plants. In doing so, I picked a whole basket of peas, which can be seen on the ledge in the photo. I’m not sure who is going to eat all of these as I’m just about good on peas at this point. (We have been eating peas multiple times per week for the past few weeks.)

I also picked some garlic that looked ready to go. My grandmother’s tip of refrigerating my garlic harvest paid off as I’m still using garlic from last year.

In other news, after a few minor disasters, the pond is fairing well now. The plant life is really taking off this year. We had a few fish mishaps, though. First, all four of the goldfish we bought this year died. And two from last year died (one from some sort of disease and another from a pump mishap). We had some water quality issues that are now under control and may have contributed to the death of the new fish. But, on the bright side, the remaining goldfish have spawned and we have some babies in there now (some as large as an inch). Hopefully these will survive and I won’t have to buy any more fish!

I trimmed the front yard hedges over the weekend. I had a little bit of help from Jake, who wanted to use the “chainsaw” (i.e. electric hedge trimmers). But, the novelty of that was short-lived so I had to finish the job myself. Normally I use the manual trimmers, but this year, since they were out, I used the electric ones and finished up quite a bit faster than usual. I think I might be onto something…


  1. I have intermittent problems with the bunnies, so I planted extra peas this year. Turns out, I planted too many as the bunnies have stayed out of the garden so far this year.

  2. If you guys find yourselves in our area, bring some along and give us a call! I love, love, love peas! But, so do the bunnies and birds, so we gave up on trying them a few years ago. So, I don't have any.

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