animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

not january

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate January? There’s just nothing good going on this month. It gets dark before 5:00. The weather is always horrible. I could go on, but I won’t.

But, I’m trying to make the most of the winter and I’ve been doing stuff around the house that I won’t want to do when the weather is nice. Among other things, my pet project this year is our home office. We painted it recently and I expect to have it completely done by the time the weather is nice.

So, anyway, I’m glad it’s February. Today, I received the order form for the Cambria County Annual Tree & Plant Sale in the mail. Since I’m planning a mini orchard for the back yard this summer, this timely arrival made me happy. As far as I’m concerned, spring is just around the corner. To hell with whatever the groundhog has to say tomorrow.