animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

big head

It’s the middle of March, so you know what that means…time to order motorcycle accessories! We were both off yesterday, so we went to Zepka’s to order some stuff Brian needed for his bike and to get helmets. Originally, I was going to wait until later in the summer to …

home depot

We took a trip to Home Depot on Sunday in order to pick up some stuff for an upcoming project. Remember how we built that shed last year and then filled it up with cherry lumber? Well, we need to build a rack to hold the lumber so that Brian’s …


Yeah, Brian doesn’t either. You’d think with all of the motorcycle! motorcycle! motorcycle! he’s had on his brain the past 6 months, he would have remembered to sign up for his motorcycle safety course on Tuesday. I mean, he was even talking about it on Monday and spent a good …

now that’s dedication

Jacob is staying at my parent’s tonight. I took him there this afternoon. On our way to their house, I saw a guy on a motorcycle on route 219. Just for the record, it’s about 20 degrees outside with a windchill near zero. I have seen a lot of motorcycles …


Every time we are in the car, Brian says “just think, next year at this time, we could be on the motorcycle.” This statement is patently false for two reasons:1. Jake is always in the car with us. Three people cannot fit on one motorcycle (at least not legally without …