animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

volunteer opportunities

I’ve been looking for somewhere to volunteer ever since I stopped walking dogs at the shelter, which I definitely miss. A few months ago, a couple former shelter board members, including me, joined together to start a nonprofit. So, that’s been taking up a little of my time. We’ve been meeting monthly and sometimes there’s stuff to work on between meetings. Not surprisingly, animals are the focus, but we’ve yet to decide on a mission. So, more on that in the future…

One of the ladies in the nonprofit heard about a new pet food pantry at one of the local churches, so a few of us volunteered there on Saturday. It had a pretty good turnout (40-some people obtained food for their pets). I would do it again, but I don’t know how often I will be needed, as some of the other board members would like to volunteer, and there were quite a few church members helping out.