animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

end of season

I took Friday off work mainly to plant garlic. Of course, I’ve been ignoring my garden for a good 6 weeks now, so that had to be attended to first. I harvested the last of the vegetables (with the exception of the celery–hopefully the snow we received this morning didn’t kill it off), got the main garden cleaned out and the garlic planted, thanks to Brian’s help. It was hard finding motivation to do these tasks as it was rather chilly out that day.

And, really, the rest of the landscaping could use some love. Hopefully I will be able to do some more work out there before it gets really cold. Though it is difficult finding the time since it gets dark so early these days.

There are also the fish to contend with. While the pond has been covered (to keep the leaves out) for a few weeks, I need to remove the pump and clean the filter. This shouldn’t be a big deal, but it’s a new filter, so I need to look up the instructions for it.

But, none of this work is getting done today as there is snow on the ground. Grr.