animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

making concessions

We had grand plans to make solid cherry doors for the rooms throughout our house. The first one was supposed to be for the bathroom that we remodeled four years ago. It just never happened. Luckily we kept the old door up. Jake was supposed to get the second door. Unfortunately for him, his door was removed when we remodeled his bedroom in 2007.

Part of the problem with the door-making thing is that making doors just doesn’t hold Brian’s interest like making furniture does. The second problem is that it’s impossible and/or expensive to find cherry thick enough, so he was going to have to laminate boards together in order for this to work.

An idea struck me the other day–why don’t we just buy some doors and call it a day? So, we went to Home Depot today and did just that. They are the plain old standard doors that everyone has, and not unlike the ones we’re replacing. But, at least I’ll be able to stain them cherry and they’ll kind of match our trim.

I’m not coming out of this empty-handed, though. Brian is still going to make the closet doors, of which we have a large number of. These will be easier to make because they won’t be as thick as a regular door. Plus, they will be in the style I wanted. Jake’s closet door is up first since he doesn’t currently have one. Brian has already started on it, but probably won’t get back to it until after the new year.