animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

eight and nine

The weekend was pretty busy. Yesterday, at the office, we removed a window and permanently installed an a/c in the reception area–just in time for the heat wave. It gets pretty stuffy in there on the warmer days so it will be nice to have an a/c in there. Of course, no job we do is ever completely done–we still need to paint the plywood we put in the window. Maybe next week…

Last night, we went to a party at Doug’s house. It’s been a while since he’s had a party so this one wasn’t to be missed. We got to meet some new people and catch up with with the rest. We all had a lot of fun.

Today, I couldn’t wait to put our house a/c on for the first time this summer. I fired it up and it was running for a while, then Brian heard a funny sound when he was downstairs. It was the a/c. We fiddled around with it for a bit, but could not get it running. So, I need to call a repairman in tomorrow. Bad timing for this, that’s for sure.

Brian got some shop time in throughout the day. I did some stuff around the house. I also had to work a little, as did Brian.

In the afternoon, Brian and I made sauerkraut for the first time. We made a ton of it (over 10 pounds). I did the slicing and he did the pressing. Hopefully it will turn out. It’s surprisingly easy to make. We’ll know in 4-6 weeks if it’s any good.

After we were done with that, we went on a little motorcycle ride in order to cool off. I didn’t get cooled off much as it was apparently almost too hot to ride today. But, it was still fun–we haven’t gotten out much this year.

When we got back from riding, we went to the Roxbury Bandshell to check out today’s music–Jenny Drummey and the Southside Strays. Brian took some photos for the Do Johnstown! photo stream.

Finally, this evening, I spent some time working in the yard. It was a good way to end the day.