animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


We’ve been wanting to add a trellis to the sides of the shed and plant some ivy. Brian’s mom has a bunch of ivy, so we were going to get it from her once we (or should I say, Brian) got around to building the trellises. Well, the other day when everyone came over for dinner, Brian’s mom brought a bunch of ivy with her. So, the time was now. Brian spent all day yesterday building these nice trellises. They weren’t up for long, though. This year, we’re due to restain the shed. So, we opted to do it now rather than once the ivy was growing all over the place. This evening, we power washed the shed and Jake’s playhouse and sometime in the next week we’ll stain both buildings. This is one of two undesirable projects we have this summer (the other one is to trim the hedges in our back yard). It will be good to get this one over with early.