Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

sick day

Not for me, but for Jake. He had a belly ache when he went to bed last night. He woke up at 4:30am with the same issue. This quickly turned into the dreaded “stomach flu”. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t fall asleep last night due to laying on the couch all afternoon yesterday, so I got a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep last night. In retrospect, I guess I should’ve just stayed up and finished watching the Steeler game.

Anyway, I had to take today off in order to take care of him. He’s doing much better now–he even had some crackers and tea. I think he’ll be fine tomorrow. I’ll be happy just as long as I don’t catch what he has. If you thought I washed my hands a lot before, you should see me today. OCD–it’s for me.

oh, my aching head

I thought I had a cold last week–it turns out that was just a precursor for today. At 3am this morning, I awoke to a sore throat. I have a splitting headache and my nose has been running all day. I still made it to church today and we had our traditional Sunday brunch, but after that, I laid on the couch for a few hours.

But, there’s always work to be done, so I’m up and at it again. I only hope I feel better tomorrow. I hardly think I’ll need to call off sick, but I have a lot to do at work this week, so I’d prefer if I didn’t feel like crap while I was doing it. And, this is the last week I’ll have to work a Friday until 2005. Brian and I took off the 17th in order to get ready for Christmas. And, we’re off due to the holidays the following two weeks.

productive day

Brian had to help his Dad with some electrical work at his house today, so he and Jake went there this morning. I expected them to be back by now, but forgot the cardinal rule of Law time management–whenever someone with the last name of Law says something is going to take x amount of hours, you can safely double it.

I’m not complaining, though. In their absence, I accomplished a lot of things today in addition to my usual Saturday chores. All without interruption, I might add. Additionally, I managed to grab a coveted nap this afternoon. All in all, a good day.

Right now, there’s a pot of lamb and barley stew simmering on the stove. Hopefully I won’t have to eat it all myself.

american wedding

Not being in the mood for intellectual stimulation this evening, I suggested that we watch American Wedding, which was playing on HBO (It’s not TV, it’s HBO.) this evening. I have to say, we were both pleasantly surprised. I laughed, I laughed till I cried (twice). It was all good. And, the perfect way to end a long week. Besides, that guy who plays Stiffler is darned cute. He must be quite the actor, because I can’t imagine how hard it would be to play that big of an ass.

The Flick Filosopher didn’t have anything to say about the movie.

it’s that time of the month

You know, time to go to the liquor store! I made my monthly trip there today and picked up a little extra for the holidays. One more thing to check off my Christmas “to do” list. While there, I picked up the holy trinity of alcohol (according to the book of Angela, chapter 6, verse 13)–tequila, rum, and vodka. Mmm. Methinks this is going to be a Margarita night. I ran out of liquor last weekend and could use a good stiff drink this evening. If you don’t think a Margarita is a stiff drink, then you’re not making them right.