Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

s&m: it’s disgusting

Jacob got an Easter egg that contained M&Ms. He wanted some for a snack today. As I was pouring them into his bowl, he said “I’m glad these are M&Ms. Last time they were S&Ms and they tasted disgusting.”

It’s still funny.

easter 2005

This year, my family was on top of the Easter rotation, so we spent the day with them. We had a great meal. In particular, the home-made cheese pasta in chicken soup was superb. Best of all, we came home with a bunch of leftovers, so I don’t have to cook supper tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong–I love to cook. However, it is nice to catch a break every once in a while. In addition to my parents and grandmother, my Aunt Betty also spent the day with us because her family was not able to come in for Easter. It was nice seeing her, too. Unfortunately, my brother had to work today, so he was not able to be with us. I guess the moral of that story is don’t get a job as a pharmacist or you have to work all of the time.

Happy Easter, everyone!

now with more glass

Schwan’s called us today. Apparently they are recalling their Pork Egg Roll product because it might contain glass fragments. Glass fragments. Of course, I’ve already eaten half the box of egg rolls…I tend to think if there was any glass in it, I would’ve noticed.

This definitely was NOT a question on that life expectancy quiz I took last week: Do you eat foods with glass fragments in it? If so, I might not have gotten the high number that I did.

Suddenly, I’m no longer having a craving for pork egg rolls.

10 hours of bliss

Jake was invited to his grammy and pappy Law’s last night in order to decorate eggs and make Easter cookies. For numerous reasons, Brian and I were both beat this week, so we both decided to take this opportunity to sleep in this morning. We didn’t get up till 10am and that was because my alarm went off (there’s no need to be ridiculous–10 hours of sleep is probably enough). Anyway, we both felt great today, but didn’t get much done given the hour we got up. No big deal. We’re going to be busy enough in April so taking a weekend off is probably a good thing. Brian got a little shop time in and I wrapped up the laundry room. Brian’s picking Jacob up now, so I better go get his Easter basket ready while they’re still gone.