Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

this is pathetic

Last night, we finally recorded the solo to (a)pathetic (you know, that rottenstone song we started recording about 9 months ago). We scrapped the crappy solo I worked on a while ago, Brian hummed something, and I played it. It sounds pretty cool, too. Not the best solo in the world, but it’ll do. So, that song wraps up our EP. We’re planning on recording a cover song for a bonus track. Hopefully that won’t take long because I just want this thing to be finished already.

like it or not?

I don’t think I do. I changed it to display one day’s worth of posts rather than just one post, but I don’t know if that’s going to do it for me either. I mean, I usually just post once in a day, anyway…

There are a few other formatting changes I want to make, but it’s going to have to wait–there’s a Margarita with my name on it that I have to attend to…


I made some formatting changes today. I’m not sure if I like them or not. Let me know what you think–I’m not the one who has to read this blog. Basically, I’m only showing the most recent post and links to the last 10 posts are available in the sidebar. I even turned comments on so make your vote count!

I also put my archives in a drop-down menu. That change is staying for sure. The archives were starting to get a little lengthy.

I suppose this would look better if I had really long posts. I guess I’ll need to keep that in mind when I’m posting from now on.


I’ll have to watch for this the next time I’m out on the highway.

random thoughts

I’m no Jack Handy. That’s why these are random, but not deep.

It must be summer–I finally turned off the thermostat yesterday. I’m pretty sure I normally do this mid-May, so I hope this isn’t a harbinger to how the summer’s going to be. The first hot day, it’ll be reprogrammed for the air conditioner.

I hope the weather is better this summer than last. My garden sucked last year. It didn’t help that I couldn’t devote much time to it due to our shed project, but the weather wasn’t very conducive to growing vegetables. I already have a lot of time invested in the garden this year due to planting a bunch of stuff from seed, so I hope it all turns out well. I hope to produce a bunch of produce this year. Did you ever notice that those two words are spelled the same? I did not until just now.

We have been kicking some landscaping ass the past few evenings. I managed to mulch all of our deciduous trees and Brian did all of the edging (without prompting from me!). I still have a bunch of weeding to do, but the yard looks so much better already.

And, finally, Brian sent me a link to this site today, postsecret. It’s listed under my blog section on the right. I just thought I’d mention it because I have been thinking about it all day. I read every post on the site and found some of them haunting, some funny, and some insightful, and some way too personal. Check it out.