animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the hours

I wasn’t sure whether to rent this movie or not, but the good reviews won out and I added it to my Blockbuster queue. The movie was actually quite good. Nicole Kidman won an Oscar for her role in this movie and it was well-deserved. Her prosthetic nose made her …

life of brian

This isn’t a post about my husband. Rather, it is a movie from the Monty Python comedy troupe. It showed up in my Blockbuster “featured recommendations” and the review looked pretty funny. Plus, I’ve always liked the Monty Python stuff. My dad is a huge fan of British comedy so …

the big lebowski

Brian wanted to watch this movie, so I added it to our Blockbuster queue. He really enjoyed it. I thought it was ok. It was pretty subtle for a comedy. I like my comedies to be a little more…sophomoric. Still, it definitely wasn’t a bad movie–just not my style. I’ve …

the good girl

We watched this movie last night courtesy of Blockbuster. I thought it was a pretty good film, if you like character studies. Brian, on the other hand, didn’t like it at first, but after thinking about it all day, decided it was a decent movie. Jennifer Aniston starred, and this …