animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

new year’s eve

The New Year’s holiday is one we typically spend alone. This is by choice. Neither Brian nor I particularly enjoy going out on New Year’s Eve, so that is off the table. Only family-friendly activities are considered, but we’re not exactly looking hard for something to do. Jacob happens to be sick with a cold today and Brian has to work tomorrow so these things had to be taken into consideration when planning the evening’s activities.

The city of Johnstown has been putting on this “Celebrate Johnstown” thing for a few years now. Last year, we checked out the fireworks. This year, we checked out the bands. By this evening, Jake was feeling well enough to go out, so we went downtown early and checked out a few bands (Brian knew the people who were playing). It was nice and I was surprised to see so many people there. I guess the fact that it’s a family-friendly event doesn’t hurt. I like to support Johnstown stuff whenever I can. It might be a dying city, but not on my watch.

After we got home and Jake played a few rounds of guitar hero, we played a rousing game of scrabble. Jake was pissed because he came in 3rd. I was happy because I won. Note to Jacob: you’ll get no breaks around here. I’m competitive to the point of ridiculousness, but I rarely lose word games, so they’re a safe bet for me. Don’t even ask me to play Boggle–you will lose!

It’s late. Everyone’s in bed. The dogs are snoring. I’m going to stay up till midnight just because I’m not tired. Tomorrow we’ll be doing our usual pork and sauerkraut thing for lunch. I need to get up early to get that in the oven. Never mind the fact that I have to go to bed early tomorrow because I have to go to work on Wednesday.

Happy New Year!