animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

fourth of july

We started off the holiday weekend with a party at our friend Lish’s house on Sunday. Jacob had a blast because there were a bunch of kids for him to play with there. That night, we came home and took the pups for a walk. Once it got dark, we had a fire in the chiminea and watched everyone’s fireworks while Jake played with his sparklers.

On the 4th, we didn’t do much. Jake went to my parent’s in the morning and came home around supper. While he was gone, Brian and I got caught up on our work around the house. Then, the three of us had a little cookout for supper. Last night, we were hoping to catch the fireworks that were going on downtown, but they couldn’t be seen from our place. And there weren’t as many fireworks going off yesterday as Sunday so we didn’t catch too many (much to Jacob’s chagrin).