animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

easter 2005

This year, my family was on top of the Easter rotation, so we spent the day with them. We had a great meal. In particular, the home-made cheese pasta in chicken soup was superb. Best of all, we came home with a bunch of leftovers, so I don’t have to cook supper tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong–I love to cook. However, it is nice to catch a break every once in a while. In addition to my parents and grandmother, my Aunt Betty also spent the day with us because her family was not able to come in for Easter. It was nice seeing her, too. Unfortunately, my brother had to work today, so he was not able to be with us. I guess the moral of that story is don’t get a job as a pharmacist or you have to work all of the time.

Happy Easter, everyone!