animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the latest on ripley

I took a sick day today (because I am pretty sick about this) in order to spend one last day with Ripley. After much discussion last night, we came to the conclusion that the best thing to do for Ripley is to have her put to sleep. The poor dog …

so, that’s that

Brian called a bit ago. I’m not sure of all the test results, but Ripley definitely has a mass in her chest (probably cancer). And she might have some sort of auto-immune disease at work as well. Today’s options were: 1. spend a few thousand $$ for surgery and treatment …

ripley, part 2

No news would’ve been better than the news I got today. The vet called and Ripley’s white blood count was low (rather than high, which would be seen in an infection). Additionally, one of her kidney tests came back high, which means things aren’t working correctly there either. Due to …

ripley’s latest malady

Our Doberman, Ripley, has not been acting like herself for about the past week. I finally called the vet yesterday and made an appointment. They took an xray of her chest and it showed fluid in the lungs. This could be caused by numerous things, but the diagnosis is pneumonia …