animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

r.i.p. ariel

We finally decided it was time, so Brian took Ariel to the vets this evening to be put to sleep. The poor cat was getting way too skinny. Brian found some canned cat food that she ate for a little while, but she stopped that a week and a half …

since last week

We went to Thunder in the Valley a few times. It was cool, as usual. We didn’t check out anything in particular–mostly people-watching. We also went on a number of bike rides over the weekend and that was fun. The weather has not been very conducive for bike riding this …

sick kitty

At the end of last week, we noticed that Ariel’s eye looked funny. I called the vet and they said to watch it and see if the problem resolved on its own. It did not, so Brian took the cat to see the vet yesterday. We are waiting for the …

buster: the good dog

I’m not sure what is going on with Buster, but he’s been sleeping in the living room for the past few weeks (previously he slept in our bedroom) and he hasn’t been hanging out with me in the home office on the days I telecommute. Perhaps we can chalk this …