animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

big day out

This morning, I made my first trip to the store (Dollar General) in over a month. How exciting! It was the first time I had to wear a mask out in public. Needless to say, I’m starting to run low on some things. I’m going to have to go grocery …


Despite being a bunch of introverts, Jake and I are starting to get bored at home. The other day, we were talking about how introverts recharge by having some alone time whereas extroverts recharge by being with other people. He then said something about being overcharged and I think he …

easter: pandemic style

Some things remain the same, though. I had enough forethought to purchase a turkey breast (I wanted a ham, but they were all huge) and Jake’s Easter basket candy whenever I last went shopping in March. So, he still got a basket and had his Easter egg hunt. But, it …


Not much to report here. I’ve just been staying home like a good citizen. Unrelated to the pandemic, I have started gardening (some seeds in the house and onions outside), so it’s starting to feel like spring. The weather is supposed to get nice starting next week, so I’m looking …

jumping the gun

It looks like I should have gone to Saturday’s pack walk after all. The coronavirus was discovered in Cambria County earlier this week and the shelter is now closed to volunteers. So much for that. I did contact them and they have some web forms that need to be created …