animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the fifth grade

This year marked Jake’s first year in middle school. It was an adjustment for us all. The main adjustment is that he has to catch the bus about 45 minutes earlier than previous years (not to mention the fact that he’s not getting home any earlier). So, we’re all getting …

dixie cups

Two weekends ago, I went grocery shopping. It was a “stocking up” trip and I wasn’t planning on going again until this weekend, so I was dismayed to find out a few days after my shopping trip that we were out of Dixie cups for the bathroom. But, I wasn’t …


As I mentioned in my last post, I quit my job recently. My last day was yesterday. I’m taking the rest of this week off and then starting full time with Prime Design Solutions on Monday. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to that. The next two …

the science guy

Jake’s science fair was today. His subject was who has more bacteria in their mouths: dogs, cats, or humans. Alice (one of our dogs) won that contest hands down, so keep that in mind the next time you visit. Jake got a really good rating from the judge of the …

pinewood derby

The Pinewood Derby for Jake’s cub scout pack was today. He fared pretty well this year–1st place in his den, which got him into the finals. Unfortunately, competition was stiff and he did not advance to the next Pinewood Derby race. Even so, I think he was happy to have …