animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

black thumb

I don’t know what the deal is, but most of my tomato plants died again this year (and I didn’t even fry them in the cold frames this year. I guess it could be any one of a number of things. I haven’t had the time to dedicate to my garden this year, much like last year. Additionally, I switched brands of seed starting mix and used them the past two years. Plus, I planted a lot more last year and this year, than I did my first year (which was successful). I’ll need to keep these things in mind next year when it’s time to start the seedlings.

Not only that, but my cucumbers and zucchini plants didn’t fare well either. So, I bought a few of those at Westwood Garden Haven this afternoon. In the past, I always directly seeded those into the garden. Perhaps it is time to return to that school of thought.

This evening, after working at the building, I planted a few of the surviving tomato plants in my garden. I threw in a few seeds as well because the plants I really wanted (San Marzano plum tomatoes) all died. We’ll see what happens with that. Maybe I’ll be onto something with this approach.

Anyway, I’m not getting off to a good start this season. There is one positive note: my pepper plants are flourishing. So, I must be doing something right.