animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

we need to talk about kevin

I came upon this movie because I really liked Chevelle’s song, “Take Out the Gunman”. I heard it on the radio and wanted to listen to it again, so I did a search on YouTube and watched what I thought was their official video. I was surprised to see that actress Tilda Swinton starred in it, so I did a little more research on the subject only to find out that it was a fan video that I was watching and it (effectively) used scenes from “We Need to Talk About Kevin”. Intrigued, I added the movie to my Netflix queue. Brian saw it sitting on the tv console table and asked when I was going to watch it. He heard about the movie in a different context and was interested, so we popped it in the DVD player last night. It was quite engrossing. You can probably guess the subject matter from the Chevelle song.

My rating: 4/5