animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


While I am not completely done with preparations yet, I feel like I am on top of things this year. I got all of my shopping done early, so that helped immensely. And, the dog treats have been baked and the Christmas cards were made and are in the process of being mailed. Those are my three main things. Everything else is just a bonus.

Sure, the house isn’t decorated yet, but I hate decorations so we never do that until around the 15th. So, technically, I’m still on schedule. And, I still need to wrap gifts and bake cookies. I normally like to wrap all of the gifts at the same time, but I had to wrap my sister-in-law’s crew’s gifts last week because my in-laws were going there for a visit and they were taking the presents for me. I didn’t have time to wrap the other gifts, so those are still on my to do list.

As for baking, I’m going to bake even less this year than usual because Brian rarely eats things like cookies and I have cut back on them myself. And we’re not celebrating Christmas here, so we’re not likely to see a bunch of cookie-eating people at our house over the holiday. Still, I feel the need to make something, so I will bake a couple of batches of cookies next weekend. And, Christmas gives me a good reason to make truffles–there’s no other time of year I can justify the calories.