animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

i heart bgf

It’s that time of the year again–time to sign up for Blue Goose Farm‘s CSA. This will be our 3rd year of membership. I really enjoy being a member. First off, it’s nice to support a local farmer. Secondly, we don’t eat near enough vegetables, but in the summer, between my garden and the CSA we sure get our fill. We are not ones to waste food, so I try to make sure everything gets eaten or frozen (or given away if it’s something we really don’t like, but that’s not too often).

This year, in order to extend the harvest (or so to speak), I plan on learning how to can. While I freeze as much as I can, I think canning is a better way to go, storage-wise. Plus, you can can other stuff like soup and sauces–that would be awesome. I’ll start off slow this year and see where things go from here. One step closer to self-sufficiency. Now, if I could only get some chickens…