animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

shredding: day 3

Don’t worry–I’m not going to blog about every day of the 30 Day Shred, just the ones worth mentioning in my opinion. Yesterday, I had to take a day off. I was just too sore to exercise. I definitely overdid it on the first day. I probably should have just taken the second day off, but that seemed like giving in too easily. But, exercising on top of sore muscles didn’t improve the situation and I needed a day off.

But, I was feeling good enough this morning, so we did day 3. I have to say that it’s getting easier already (not that it’s easy, just easier–I still can’t quite make it through all of the exercises without stopping, but I’m working on it). We measured our waists and weights this morning so that we’ll be able to gauge our progress.

Today’s session did make me tired, though. I’ve been ready for a nap ever since we finished.