animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

rain, rain go away

Around 8:00, I finally got outside to do some gardening. As soon as I got started, I felt a few rain drops. So, I was out there for about 15 minutes in the rain. I planted zucchini and cucumbers. I was hoping to spend a little more time in the garden this evening, but it was not to be.

My pepper plants are the only thing remaining to plant in the vegetable garden. It’s supposed to be a little chilly a few nights this week, so I’m going to hold off for a bit with those. But, I imagine they’ll be in within the next week. I still have to tend to my herb garden. Most things made it through the winter and at least one other reseeded itself (all over the place, by the way). And, two years after ripping my mint out of the herb garden, it’s still there.

There is a lot of work to do.