animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

playing hooky

I played hooky yesterday and went to a bridal shower for one of my relatives. I would have rather worked on the building, but sometimes you have to attend a family social event and this was one of those times.

But, all was not lost. Brian and my dad spent the whole day there and accomplished quite a bit. They hooked up all of the electrical stuff (except the fan) in the reception area and then ran a bunch of lines in the other rooms. And, my dad finished removing the tacking strips and staples that were in the reception area floor. I started that job last week, but didn’t have time to finish it, so that was a big help.

My slacking ended today. We went over there for a few hours this afternoon. I worked in the reception area, priming the floor trim and painting the window trim. Brian did some miscellaneous stuff and Jake played outside with some new friends that he made last week.

Things are looking good, but we really only have two more weekends of work there before things need to be wrapped up.