animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

not what they used to be

Since we were away all weekend, I scheduled today off work. But, my days off work are not what they used to be. I set my alarm for relatively early for a day off (8am). My intention was to pick up the dogs early and then hit the grocery store before lunch. But, Brian and I got to talking about Prime Design Solutions business stuff and I ended up leaving later than planned.

I didn’t get home until 11 and was starving at this point. Since there was nothing to eat in the house (remember: I hadn’t been to the grocery store yet), I suggested that we go to Pizza Man’s in Westwood for pizza. We were already planning a bike ride for the afternoon, so we took the bikes there and had some lunch. After lunch, we did a little ride–it was a nice day for it. Perhaps the last of the season? I hope not.

Brian’s business has been doing well, so we’ve had some discussions about buying a building and expanding things. Whether this comes to fruition or not, I can’t say, but it’s still pretty exciting that he’s in the position where this sort of thing is an option. On the way home from our ride, we checked out a couple of buildings (from the outside) that we’ve had our eyes on. Just from our external inspection, we were able to rule out one of them, but the other one looks even better to us now.

After we returned home, I made up the grocery list and hit Giant Eagle in Richland. By the time I got home and put away the groceries, it was time to clean up the kitchen and make some dinner. When supper was over, we headed downtown so Jake could march in the Columbus Day parade with the scouts.

When we got home from the parade, I stained the top for the bar Brian has been working on (have I mentioned the bar before? I don’t think so, but I’m too lazy to check…), then I vacuumed the house, and finally sat down for the evening. No naps for me today. Luckily I was pretty well rested from the weekend, but barring the bike ride, this wasn’t necessarily the way I’d like to spend a day off work. But, it was still better than working.