animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

i heart gardening

It might not look like it outside, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s spring. Today, I made my first indoor planting of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and celery (I’m planting celery for the first time). I’m pretty excited about my garden this year. Of course, I’m pretty excited about my garden every year. I have a lot of new tips to try as far as starting my seedlings goes and I can’t wait to see how they pan out. So far, I’ve had pretty good luck with my seedlings, but there’s always room for improvement, I suppose.

Not only that, but I also placed my annual order from the Cambria County Conservation District this weekend. I ordered some myrtle for my myrtle patch, bee balm for my butterfly garden, and strawberry plants for my soon to be strawberry patch. I’m really looking forward to the strawberries, though I have no idea where I’m going to put them. I guess I have some planning to do. Eventually, my goal is to have zero grass in our back yard. How am I going to do that? With pavers, mulch and stones, I’m guessing. Brian will thank me for this because mowing around all of the stuff in the back yard actually takes more time versus when there was twice as much grass to mow back there.