animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

erin’s shower

Today, I went to Brian’s cousin Erin’s bridal shower (which is why my birthday celebration was yesterday). She’s getting married in September. You can read all about it here. The shower was at the Pleasant Valley Country Club in Connellsville. Luckily Brian drove me there (and he and Jake hung out at Erin’s parent’s house during the shower) otherwise I never would’ve arrived. The directions I got off the internet did not seem to be correct (plus I can get lost in my own house. my sense of direction is that bad). Win some, lose some, I guess. Usually the internet does us well, so I won’t complain about this one time.

Anyway, the shower was nice and Erin and Justin sure made a haul. They won’t be wanting for much once they set up a house. Jacob is in their wedding. That should be interesting. This will be his second wedding. The first one was right before his 3rd birthday so he was too young to argue about it. I hope he cooperates. He really likes Erin and Justin, so we can only hope that will help. After this wedding, he will have been in as many weddings as I have been in (not counting my own). Who would’ve thought I’d have such a popular son?