animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

busier than a bee

Actually this week is going a lot better than last. I think I’m finally catching on to this “office” thing. For one, I’m not as tired this week. I’m still behind on some things around the house (I probably would be either way), but I’m relatively where I need to …

first day

Today was the first day of my new job. As expected, things went just fine. My new manager happens to be my old manager and I’m sharing an office with one of my former coworkers. So, this is definitely making the transition easy. I have to admit, I’m not sure …

last day!

Tomorrow is officially my last day of work, but I had one vacation day I could use so I’m taking advantage of that tomorrow. My computer has been shipped back to the company. My phone line has been canceled. So, I guess you could say I’m done with this job. …

i’m a big girl now

I drove a coworker and myself to the Pittsburgh airport and back for our trip to Chicago. It went off without a hitch. This was my first time driving to/from Pittsburgh. It did help to have a navigator–it’s tough for me to read directions while driving. The trip was ok. …

the mud bowl

Tonight’s Steeler game should be interesting if it ever starts. Hopefully it will begin before I have to go to bed, which will be earlier than usual tonight since I’m leaving for the Pittsburgh Airport at 6am tomorrow morning. Just what I like to do–travel. Not. This time, I’m going …