animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

onion fail

I ordered onion plants from Burpee and for whatever reason, they shipped them a month late. I got them into the ground as soon as I could but that wasn’t good enough. They are currently ready to harvest and most of them are too small to be usable. I would …

best laid plans

So much for getting the garden in this weekend! I even took today off so I could get a bunch done in the yard/garden over the long weekend. I did plant the rest of the seeds (carrots, beets, beans, more peas) yesterday, but with the chilly weather in the forecast, …

garden time!

I’m still very far behind, but my goal is to get everything in the garden by the end of next weekend, which is Memorial Day weekend, so there’s that. The problem is that I have so many things to do outside that I keep going from one to the other …

behind already

It’s not even May but I feel like I’m behind schedule when it comes to the yard/gardening. We’ve had a few nice days, but the weather hasn’t been that great yet, so I haven’t gotten out a lot. Hopefully that will change soon. Last week, I picked up my plants …