animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

hot shots! part deux

Jake wanted me to add the Hot Shots! movies to our queue. I did just that. He wanted to watch Hot Shots! for this month’s Family Movie Night. So, of course, I accidentally moved the 2nd one to the top of our queue rather than the 1st one. Luckily, since …

full freezer

Despite it being a busy weekend, I still managed to do some gardening-related stuff. Today was the only evening I got to spend outside, though. Unfortunately, it was spent weeding (I did a lot of weeding this year). While I hate weeding, I have to say, the yard looks pretty …

up in the air

I’m a little behind on my reviews as we watched this last weekend. I thought this was a pretty good movie except for the ending. But, a good ending is important for a movie, don’t you think? George Clooney was his usual awesome self, but I found the ending to …