animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

happy birthday, viola

We spent an enjoyable evening at John and Viola’s. In case you couldn’t figure out from the title of this post, we were there to celebrate Viola’s birthday. Dinner was great–they did up these pork and veggie kebabs that were delicious. There were also a number of tasty side dishes. In fact, they had so much food that I didn’t even get a chance to taste everything.

I could have just as easily titled this post “puppy fever” because they got a new puppy yesterday. It’s a lab/rottweiler/doberman mix, but it looks just like a dobe. It is so cute! Jake had a lot of fun playing with it. So much, in fact, that he now wants a puppy. I mean, he really wants a puppy. I sometimes think I want a puppy, then I remember what a pain in the neck they are and I get over it.