animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I haven’t been doing much gardening lately, but I did go outside today to transplant 50 myrtle plants into the myrtle patch. I still have 25 strawberry plants to get into the ground–maybe tomorrow. I’m sure the yard will still be like a swamp, but the strawberries (much like the myrtle) are bare-root stock, so they can’t wait much longer. The weekend is supposed to be warmer and drier, but I don’t know if the ground will be in any better shape by then. I hope so because it is time to plant quite a number of things in my vegetable garden.

In better news, I put one of my cold frames to permanent use today. Previously, I was bringing my plants in at night because it was just too cold. It’s going to be kind of cold tonight, but it’s not supposed to be freezing cold, so this will be a good test. Let’s hope it passes.