animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

house of 1000 corpses

Brian and I were divided on this one. He liked it. I didn’t. I mean, it was ok, but I’m not a horror movie fan, so there you have it. This one was definitely a horror movie. Its sequel, The Devil’s Rejects, was more of a thriller (almost). It was at least a little rooted in reality whereas this movie had some weird shit going on at the end. The reason that I generally don’t like horror movies is that they just don’t scare me. I find reality much scarier than any of these films, which is why I like thrillers–they are more reality-based. And as far as the gore in horror movies goes, I’m not into that, either. It’s not like it grosses me out–I just don’t find it interesting. Take away the gore and the weird monsters and you aren’t left with much.