animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

take me out to the ball game

The company Brian works for buys Altoona Curve tickets every year for the employees to use. Since we’re not huge baseball fans, we’ve never taken advantage of this perk–until now. Jacob expressed an interest in going to a baseball game, so Brian planned on taking him to a Curve game this summer. Brian thought he was only getting two tickets, but when he picked them up, there were four. I wasn’t interested in going (I would rather work than sit through a baseball game–that’s how uninterested I am), so Brian invited Jacob’s friend Jake and his dad Jamie. The four of them went to a game today. It was at noon, so both dads had to take a day off work (no complaints were heard regarding that). It was hot today, to say the least, but the kids made it to the 8th inning before the whining got out of hand. Of course, they spent a lot of time eating and playing, too, so that helped the cause. The Curve lost today, but the four guys had a great time nonetheless.