animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

quitters, inc.

Today was the big day. The day we’d never thought we’d see…Brian quit smoking (and it’s not because he’s dead). He was supposed to quit 9 years ago before we got married, but that didn’t quite work out for him. He finally decided that he was going to quit next year, right after his 35th birthday. But, the more we talked about it, the more he kept moving up the date.

Unlike the last time he tried (9 years ago), he did not go cold turkey. He’s on the patch and will be for 8 weeks. He also read this great book (thanks, Steve!) that really motivated him to quit right away. So, we’re all pretty happy about this.

But, you know what the real motivating factor was? The almighty dollar. I used to think that cost wasn’t an effective deterrent for smokers. Thankfully, I’ve been proven wrong.