animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

see how they run

formerly published as The Jericho Commandment

I just finished this book a few moments ago. This was a very early effort from James Patterson. I didn’t like it as much as I like his current books, but it apparently held my attention well enough as it took me less than a week to read.

This book was about this group of Jews who wanted to avenge the Holocaust. At first their attempt was disguised as a Nazi uprising, but then it turned into a “Jews as terrorists” thing. Not a very believable premise.

The thing I like about James Patterson novels is how short the chapters are. That is one thing that apparently hasn’t changed over the years. I think that’s why I read his books so quickly–if I have two minutes to spare and want to read a chapter, no problem! Whereas another author’s chapter might take 20 minutes to read, so there’s no sense in getting involved if you don’t have the time.

The thing I don’t like about James Patterson novels is the titles of them. Most of them are taken from nursery rhymes and have no apparent tie-in to the plot of the book. So, I can never remember what any of his books are about, given the title, and therefore I can’t ever remember which ones I have read versus which ones I have not.